Wednesday 31 March 2010

Desert trip

Most people like to go to trips, and the desert trip is one of the best to do because you have alot of fun. So in this essay am going to talk about how to prepare for a desert trip.

First, you need to have a four wheel car because it will make your trip easier and enjoyable. After you have a four wheel car you need to have the a tools kit with a tent and you need to bring a spare tire, and drinks and food. But before all of that you need to check your car if it’s safe. because it might cause you trouble during your trip. You need to bring a camera maybe you want to take some nice photos. After that you get everything, also don’t forget to bring a dune to ride it. Finally now you can go and have fun in your trip.

In conclusion, if you follow the steps above you will have a nice trip, and you can also add whatever you want to your baggage.

Wednesday 24 March 2010

The UAE has changed enormously over the last 40 years. This has been because of the discovery of oil. This essay will discuss the difference between the UAE then and now.
Many years ago people did not have as much wealth as they do now. They did not have many cars because they were expensive and the oil was too expensive. They were traveling by camels and they took by days and months and years to arrive the place they wanted to go to it. 40 years ago no one had large houses except the president and they were built from wood and sand. Most of the people in the UAE were working in the middle center markets, hunting and diving because there were no schools and colleges or universities. Students were going to mosques to study and memories the holy Quran. In addition, also they were not many hospitals and they were using traditional medicines. They did not have ice cream and chocolates. Instead they had apple pie and bananas.
The UAE now has a lot of development compared to 40 years ago. Each family in it now has many vehicles. Almost 3 cars in each family. Now a day they have highly paid jobs with good salaries. Most of the people have large villas. For example my father’s house is a big villa with 3 floors and it has a big area surrounding it. The UAE has many colleges, universities and schools that have many modern curriculum and courses subjects such as IT, Business and Engineering. Now days there are many good hospitals in the UAE almost everywhere. Such as Khalifa hospital in Abu Dhabi, Twam in Alain, Welcare in Dubai and AGMC in Sharjah.
In conclusion, there are a lot of differences while nowadays in UAE has overweight development than 40 years ago. I prefer the life in UAE now.

Tuesday 9 March 2010

How to book a holiday

Everybody likes to go to holiday and travel to other countries. So in this writing am going to talk about the steps to book a holiday.
There are some important steps you must to do for booking. First, you must to decide where you want to go and with who your family or friends. Second, you can choose your booking online or with a travel agent or leave it for your family or friend to do it. Then, get a visa and pay for it apply at the embassy because it takes time, it might be done in a week. After that, choose the dates for the airline tickets and for the hotel that you want to stay in it. Finally, make sure that your passport is valid.
In conclusion, I think travelling is the best thing you do it in a holiday, and if you follow these steps you will not have problems.

Wednesday 3 March 2010

The UAE and Oman

There are many countries in the Gulf, The United Arab Emirates and Oman are two of them. They are neighbors with many similarities and a few differences, In this essay am going to talk about it.

The United Arab Emirates and Oman both have the same religion and it is Islam. They have the same language which is Arabic. They are in the GCC. The landscape is similar with wadis, mountains and sandy deserts. They also have similar government with ruling families. For example in the United Arab Emirates are Al Nahyan and in Oman are AlSaid, Both of them rule the countries. Another similarities they have the same type of life. They also have a similar climate.

On the other hand there are differences between these two countries. The most important difference is the size of the population. United Arab Emirates have a population of 4 million but Oman has a population of 2.5 million. Another difference is the size of the country. United Arab Emirates have a size of 220,000 square miles, but Oman is the 3 times bigger. They also have a different in the economy. The United Arab Emirates has a lot of oil and gas while Oman has agriculture. United Arab Emirates has more development in buildings, shopping centers, and technology than Oman too.

In conclusion, we see that the differences are overweight than similarities. In my opinion I can see that the life in the United Arab Emirates is better than the life in Oman because of its development and technologies. The United Arab Emirates has a lot of things that make you stay.Because it has everything you want.