Tuesday 11 January 2011

Reflective Log

In the academic communication we were suppose to present about three subjects. The first subject was a meeting with a group and discuss about the ADMC parking and we think about a solution for this problem. The second presentation I discussed about tablet Pc’s, I did my presentation faster and before the class so it was hard for me to present the subject I didn’t have time to have a lot of information’s and I didn’t present will because it’s the first time for me to present a topic by my own. In the last presentation it was a group of 2 persons to discuss about a subject, I present it with my partner his name is Awad Ali and we manage the topic well and we had exercised it twice before we present it and my skills has improved a lot compared by before. I improved my time management skill and my presenting skill has improved during the last presentation. I will use these skills wisely and I will try my best to improve them by practicing more. I lack some of the important skills of communication and this is my only challenge in this subject. I will address these challenges by improving my communication skills.

1 comment:

  1. Khalifa:

    I'm glad you learned something, and that you'll practice before in the future.
    Good Luck,
