Wednesday 15 December 2010

Semi formal

I attend a presentation on Tuesday 7th of December at 9:15am in T001, my class mate was saoud husain albloushy and his ID is H00157343. His topic was about Global Position System (GPS). GPS collects your position in map by the satellite signals. In 1956, it was used for civilian uses. In civil engineering they use it to purpose some points and it’s too accurate to select the point from they use it by three access X, Y and Z. He had a nice introduction and his eye contact with the audience. He was moving in front of the screen but almost he was standing in the side of the screen. He was using some of the note cards and he often sow from the notes. He was speaking in a clear and loud voice. It was organized in a proper was with clear and useful points. He was smiling and looks confident. The power point was with colored slide background. The text size, contrast and amount were tidy and clear. He had a visual pictures and it was without an animations and transitions because he didn’t need it. The presentation was interested and great because saoud works hard in it and he had some practice before he present it.

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