Wednesday 15 December 2010

Meeting Reflection

I had a meeting with some of my classmate on 0ctober. We discussed a big problem in ADMC life that is college parking’s and we discussed how we can improve it. I was a member in the meeting while Saoud was chairman and Khalid was note taker. The meeting was to exited we had an interested meeting with a lot of sharing ideas and we had many solution for the car parking. We had many good points but we had 2 weak points, we didn’t have time and we didn’t mention when the next meeting is. I learned how to manage the ideas and point for the meeting with how to manage the meeting. In the future I can manage any meeting if my manager asked me to manage it. I will use some of my ideas and point that I am using it in the college and I will read a lot of problems and search in books to have a perfect meeting.

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