Wednesday 15 December 2010

Semi formal

I attend a presentation on Tuesday 7th of December at 9:15am in T001, my class mate was saoud husain albloushy and his ID is H00157343. His topic was about Global Position System (GPS). GPS collects your position in map by the satellite signals. In 1956, it was used for civilian uses. In civil engineering they use it to purpose some points and it’s too accurate to select the point from they use it by three access X, Y and Z. He had a nice introduction and his eye contact with the audience. He was moving in front of the screen but almost he was standing in the side of the screen. He was using some of the note cards and he often sow from the notes. He was speaking in a clear and loud voice. It was organized in a proper was with clear and useful points. He was smiling and looks confident. The power point was with colored slide background. The text size, contrast and amount were tidy and clear. He had a visual pictures and it was without an animations and transitions because he didn’t need it. The presentation was interested and great because saoud works hard in it and he had some practice before he present it.

Meeting Reflection

I had a meeting with some of my classmate on 0ctober. We discussed a big problem in ADMC life that is college parking’s and we discussed how we can improve it. I was a member in the meeting while Saoud was chairman and Khalid was note taker. The meeting was to exited we had an interested meeting with a lot of sharing ideas and we had many solution for the car parking. We had many good points but we had 2 weak points, we didn’t have time and we didn’t mention when the next meeting is. I learned how to manage the ideas and point for the meeting with how to manage the meeting. In the future I can manage any meeting if my manager asked me to manage it. I will use some of my ideas and point that I am using it in the college and I will read a lot of problems and search in books to have a perfect meeting.

Tuesday 25 May 2010

Old man

Before a week ago I was driving my new car while my father was sitting near me. I was driving on my way to my grandmother house, when I saw an old man wants to cross the street put he couldn’t.
The old man was in Khalifa street and the street was having a lot of traffic because it is in the afternoon and he want to cross the street to go to the other side of the street, he was waiting four the traffic light to be green for him to cross the street . He couldn’t walks normally. Suddenly he fell down while I was waiting for my traffic light turn to open. At that time I did not no what to do for him , but my father open the car and walked to him and he says to me call the police faster, so I called the police and I say for them about the old man and I gave them the details. After few minutes the police and the ambulance came and took the old man to the hospital. My father told me to follow them to the hospital to be sure that the old man was in a good health, so we waited him and we insured that he is fine.
At the end of this story that happens the old man woke up and he knew that we were helping him and he thanks us a lot for helping him.

Canning Fish

A lot of people eat some fresh and some canned food. A lot of people like to eat canned fish like tuna. So in this easy am going to describe the details of how does it canned.

First, the fish is caught and delivered to a cannery, which is a factory where food is canned. Second, it is cleaned and washed before it can be processed. Then, salt is added to prevent the growth of micro-organisms. Also, sometimes the pepper is added to the fish to make it more delicious. After that, it is washed again and its cut or made into the shape needed. After that, the fish is canned and some liquid is added. This is the mixture of oil and preservatives. Finally, the can is sterilized and stored before it is sent to stores.

In conclusion, I showed you how does it canned in steps and detail and It is the basic way to do it and if you follow this process you will see it not difficult if you followed the steps.

What I did on the National Day this year

During last national day, my friends and I had a lot of fun. We had designed our cars with UAE flags. Also we went to the road where people were celebrating the National Day and it was really fun.
While we were in Jumaira Road at night, my we were burning by cars on the street and people spraying a sprays at each others
Then we went to AlMamzar were all the people made a drifting show and everyone did what he wants. We saw a lot of people drafting and racing. So we waited there and got some drinks until it comes our turn to shows them our drifting and driving the car by two tires. When the time came my friend did a very nice drift. Then I went to drive by two tires in the field. When the time came for me to drive by two tires. I got so excited because I challenged with my rivals. One of them was last year’s champion, but in the end I won.
I met him after the challenge and we had a chat. They presented us as the champions and we became friends. For the rest of the day all of us continued the celebration and at the end we went back home

From the Oilfield to Petrol stations

All vehicles need a product to make them move and a lot of them with petrol. It has a process to get it from under the ground and they save it in ADNOC stations tanks where we buy it to fill our cars. I will describe this process in more details.
Firstly, the oil is located under the ground in the desert and in the sea. Next, it is pumped through pipelines to huge storage tanks at refineries. Then, it is refined into different products including petrol. This is done in Umm Al Nar or Ruwais refineries. After that, petrol is stored in tanks and it is delivered to all petrol stations around the country where it is stored in underground tanks. Finally, it is pumped into car tanks when we go to fill our vehicles.
In conclusion, this is the process of how oil is processed to petrol. Nearly all of the oil companies use this way to produce oil.

Wednesday 28 April 2010

Car acident

Last week my friend and I went to Dubai to visit our other friends in Dubai Mall. When we were driving back home we had an accident on Dubai to Alain road.
We had an accident on the road when we were going back home on Dubai to Alain road after muragab bridge by 200 meters. The accident was at 11 p.m.
We were driving Nissan patrol and another person who had Toyota land crusier wanted to have a race with us. I said for my friend that no need for racing with this person because racing is too dangerous, but he insisted to race him. After Mirghem Bridge we started the race, we were in front of the Toyota and we were driving between 205 and 220. Suddenly a car from the right came in front of us and my friend lost control of the car, so he pushed the brake hard while the person who was racing us crashed our car from the back. Our car kept going and crashed into a tree. When the Toyota crushed us I jumped to the back seat because it’s safer than the front. But my friend’s hand was broken and the person in the Toyota and I were not injured.
In the end alot of people, police and the ambulance came and they wrote the accident details. My big brother came and took us back home.

Wednesday 31 March 2010

Desert trip

Most people like to go to trips, and the desert trip is one of the best to do because you have alot of fun. So in this essay am going to talk about how to prepare for a desert trip.

First, you need to have a four wheel car because it will make your trip easier and enjoyable. After you have a four wheel car you need to have the a tools kit with a tent and you need to bring a spare tire, and drinks and food. But before all of that you need to check your car if it’s safe. because it might cause you trouble during your trip. You need to bring a camera maybe you want to take some nice photos. After that you get everything, also don’t forget to bring a dune to ride it. Finally now you can go and have fun in your trip.

In conclusion, if you follow the steps above you will have a nice trip, and you can also add whatever you want to your baggage.

Wednesday 24 March 2010

The UAE has changed enormously over the last 40 years. This has been because of the discovery of oil. This essay will discuss the difference between the UAE then and now.
Many years ago people did not have as much wealth as they do now. They did not have many cars because they were expensive and the oil was too expensive. They were traveling by camels and they took by days and months and years to arrive the place they wanted to go to it. 40 years ago no one had large houses except the president and they were built from wood and sand. Most of the people in the UAE were working in the middle center markets, hunting and diving because there were no schools and colleges or universities. Students were going to mosques to study and memories the holy Quran. In addition, also they were not many hospitals and they were using traditional medicines. They did not have ice cream and chocolates. Instead they had apple pie and bananas.
The UAE now has a lot of development compared to 40 years ago. Each family in it now has many vehicles. Almost 3 cars in each family. Now a day they have highly paid jobs with good salaries. Most of the people have large villas. For example my father’s house is a big villa with 3 floors and it has a big area surrounding it. The UAE has many colleges, universities and schools that have many modern curriculum and courses subjects such as IT, Business and Engineering. Now days there are many good hospitals in the UAE almost everywhere. Such as Khalifa hospital in Abu Dhabi, Twam in Alain, Welcare in Dubai and AGMC in Sharjah.
In conclusion, there are a lot of differences while nowadays in UAE has overweight development than 40 years ago. I prefer the life in UAE now.

Tuesday 9 March 2010

How to book a holiday

Everybody likes to go to holiday and travel to other countries. So in this writing am going to talk about the steps to book a holiday.
There are some important steps you must to do for booking. First, you must to decide where you want to go and with who your family or friends. Second, you can choose your booking online or with a travel agent or leave it for your family or friend to do it. Then, get a visa and pay for it apply at the embassy because it takes time, it might be done in a week. After that, choose the dates for the airline tickets and for the hotel that you want to stay in it. Finally, make sure that your passport is valid.
In conclusion, I think travelling is the best thing you do it in a holiday, and if you follow these steps you will not have problems.

Wednesday 3 March 2010

The UAE and Oman

There are many countries in the Gulf, The United Arab Emirates and Oman are two of them. They are neighbors with many similarities and a few differences, In this essay am going to talk about it.

The United Arab Emirates and Oman both have the same religion and it is Islam. They have the same language which is Arabic. They are in the GCC. The landscape is similar with wadis, mountains and sandy deserts. They also have similar government with ruling families. For example in the United Arab Emirates are Al Nahyan and in Oman are AlSaid, Both of them rule the countries. Another similarities they have the same type of life. They also have a similar climate.

On the other hand there are differences between these two countries. The most important difference is the size of the population. United Arab Emirates have a population of 4 million but Oman has a population of 2.5 million. Another difference is the size of the country. United Arab Emirates have a size of 220,000 square miles, but Oman is the 3 times bigger. They also have a different in the economy. The United Arab Emirates has a lot of oil and gas while Oman has agriculture. United Arab Emirates has more development in buildings, shopping centers, and technology than Oman too.

In conclusion, we see that the differences are overweight than similarities. In my opinion I can see that the life in the United Arab Emirates is better than the life in Oman because of its development and technologies. The United Arab Emirates has a lot of things that make you stay.Because it has everything you want.

Wednesday 3 February 2010

Driving licence

In this Essay am going to talk about how to get a driving licences. I will show you the steps involved in getting driving licence. As age and practices.

First, You have to be 18 and above. Second, You must to open driving licence file in the police department with a permission from some of your relatives if you are under 21 years, You must take the eye test and choose weather you want manual or automatic. Then, You must study for the traffic rules and then you must get ready for the test, Its multiple choice and you must to have 28/35 if you get less than that you fail so you have to re do it until you pass. After that, you take the driving licence certificate to the police department to give you appointment for the driving test. They're two tests, one of them reverse, parking and bridge (for manual). the other one is street exam. Finally. You have to pass the exams to have the driving licence.

In conclusion, The driving licence have good rules. It's good if they let people to have a licence in a short time. It's easy to get a licence if you follow the steps in the right order.

KHALIFA H00155341

MY name is Khalifa Al Qemzi. I am 19 years old. I live in AL AIN and travel everyday to study at ADMC. I want to do Engneering in the future